
Snack time

It seems like at least 50% of my day is spent feeding Jack! We always try to find ways to have fun while passing the time. Here are a few pictures of Jack being silly. He really thinks he is funny!

Yikes look at that drool. Must be good!

He thinks he is sooo funny!


The Hillan Family said...

Good job on those pictures! Those are awesome! That grey makes his blue eyes pop right out! He looked so cute with his valentine message on his tummy! I know what you mean about so much of your time spent on feeding. I feel like "welcome to the Dairy Queen" with Kendall. AHHHHHH!

The Hillan Family said...

I LOVE his teeth!

Kaesy said...

K, he's adorable but more importanly, his hat and sweater are! Oh my gosh.

Another thing...the green pics on the wall in the background. I know you and you painted them right? Disgust me. Help me with stuff like that Rach!

Kaesy said...
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Leah Finch said...

Love those teeth! I miss you guys. Can't wait to see you.

Shannon said...

Your Jack is so cute! I love the hat! I am so glad to see that someone else's son drool's a TON when he eats. Also, your house looks so good. I love your decor!

The Steel's said...

What a silly little guy, he is darling. And his sweater and hat are the cutest. Feeding does take forever, they never seem to get full. He has a cute big smile. I agree with everyone, your decor for your house looks great. what you made the green wall art? And I love your paint color..well done!

Diana said...

Rach he is such a major cutie! You dress him so cute too. We do need to hang out soon! Have fun in Farmington!

Tyler and Dru said...

rach! i am so glad you found my blog!! you have no idea how fun it was to look through yours and see all the darling pictures of Jack. he is so big!! and SO adorable. can we please do lunch next week? i'll be out of town monday and tuesday but could do it wednesday or thursday. let me know.

Cardon Family said...

I love his smile and all his hats!!! and his valentines message is to die for! I would love to share snack time with him!

kristina said...

he IS the most Posh cool kid ever! I want to snack on him!!! great shots!!

Natalie said...

I have to agree with Kristina...POSH is the perfect way to describe this kiddo. He is so cute - I love that smiley face!

Abbey said...

Rachael! I've so glad you said hi! It's been so long since I've seen you.. I almost didn't recognize you with long hair!! Your family is so cute and your little boy is adorable! Keep in touch!

Vanessa Shannon said...

Hi Rachel. I love your blog too! Jack is sooo cute... Anyway sitemeter is super easy to get and free. Just go to sitemeter.com and sign up and then copy the code to put on your blog. You have to select html code for the page element on your sidebar. If you have any trouble let me know! You can also click on my visitor numbers and it will take you to the website. Good Luck! Happy Blogging!

Steph and Tim said...

New Pictures Please!

B and J said...

Rach! I'm coming up this weekend! I hope you're in town and I hope I get to see you and that cute little boy! I'll be in on Wednesday night and leaving the following Monday! Call me I would love to meet up!

Lyndy Butler said...

GAWL, I wanna squeeze this kid. He is so flippin cute. I can totally tell that he is a riot. You sure are a lucky momma.

Kaesy said...

Excuse me! I know they have computers in New Mexico! Post some pictures lady.

Natalie said...

Currently going through withdrawls...no phone calls, no posts, what the??? I need an update & now!!!

Tara said...

He is getting so big so quick! He is such a doll! I love the hat (Railand was saying that his "tuke was so Cool!")